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Recent Publications (full list)

(Student Advisee, * Equal Contribution)



Delay-allowed Differentially Private Data Stream Release
Xiaochen Li, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren, Chen Gong, Shuya Feng, Yuan Hong and Tianhao Wang
In Proceedings of the 2025 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, CA, USA, February 23-28, 2025. [Acceptance Rate: TBD, PDF, Code]



FedGMark: Certifiably Robust Watermarking for Federated Graph Learning
Yuxin Yang, Qiang Li, Yuan Hong and Binghui Wang
In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, December 9-15, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 25.8%, PDF, Code]


Certifiable Black-Box Attacks with Randomized Adversarial Examples: Breaking Defenses with Provable Confidence
Hanbin Hong, Xinyu Zhang, Binghui Wang, Zhongjie Ba and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 14-18, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 331/1964=16.9%, PDF, Code]


Distributed Backdoor Attacks on Federated Graph Learning and Certified Defenses
Yuxin Yang, Qiang Li, Jinyuan Jia, Yuan Hong and Binghui Wang
In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 14-18, 2024. [Distinguished Paper Award, Acceptance Rate: 331/1964=16.9%, PDF, Code]

USENIX Security'24            

An LLM-Assisted Easy-to-Trigger Poisoning Attack on Code Completion Models: Injecting Disguised Vulnerabilities against Strong Detection
Shenao Yan, Shen Wang, Yue Duan, Hanbin Hong, Kiho Lee, Doowon Kim and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 14-16, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 417/2276= 18.3%, PDF, Code]

USENIX Security'24            

Inf2Guard: An Information-Theoretic Framework for Learning Privacy-Preserving Representations against Inference Attacks
Sayedeh Leila Noorbakhsh, Binghui Zhang, Yuan Hong and Binghui Wang
In Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 14-16, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 417/2276= 18.3%, PDF, Code]


DPI: Ensuring Strict Differential Privacy for Infinite Data Streaming
Shuya Feng*, Meisam Mohammady*, Han Wang, Xiaochen Li, Zhan Qin and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P/Oakland), San Francisco, California, USA, May 22-25, 2024. [* Equal Contribution, Acceptance Rate: 202/1389=17.8%, PDF, Code]


Text-CRS: A Generalized Certified Robustness Framework against Textual Adversarial Attacks
Xinyu Zhang, Hanbin Hong, Yuan Hong#, Peng Huang, Binghui Wang, Zhongjie Ba# and Kui Ren
In Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P/Oakland), San Francisco, California, USA, May 22-25, 2024. [# Corresponding Author(s), Acceptance Rate: 202/1389=17.8%, PDF, Code]


Breaking State-of-the-Art Poisoning Defenses to Federated Learning: An Optimization-Based Attack Framework
Yuxin Yang, Qiang Li, Chenfei Nie, Yuan Hong and Binghui Wang
In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Boise, Idaho, USA, October 21-25, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 347/1531=23%, PDF, Code]


On the Faithfulness of Vision Transformer Explanations
Junyi Wu, Weitai Kang, Hao Tang, Yuan Hong and Yan Yan
In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE/CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR), Seattle, WA, USA, June 17-21, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 2719/11532=23.6% , PDF, Code]


Local Differentially Private Heavy Hitter Detection in Data Streams with Bounded Memory
Xiaochen Li, Weiran Liu, Jian Lou, Yuan Hong, Lei Zhang, Zhan Qin and Kui Ren
In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Santiago, Chile, June 9-15, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 213/768=27.7%, PDF, Code]


Task-Agnostic Privacy-Preserving Representation Learning for Federated Learning Against Attribute Inference Attacks
Caridad Arroyo Arevalo, Sayedeh Leila Noorbakhsh, Yun Dong, Yuan Hong and Binghui Wang
In Proceedings of the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, Canada, February 20-27, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 2342/9862=23.75%, PDF, Code]


Towards Accurate and Stronger Local Differential Privacy for Federated Learning with Staircase Randomized Response
Matta Varun, Shuya Feng, Han Wang, Shamik Sural and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY), Porto, Portugal, June 19-21, 2024. [Acceptance Rate: 34/160=21.25%, PDF, Code]


Data Poisoning Attacks on Traffic State Estimation and Prediction  
Feilong Wang, Xin Wang, Yuan Hong, Terry Rockafellar and Xuegang (Jeff) Ban
Transportation Research Part C (TR_C), Accepted, 2024. [Impact Factor: 8.3]


FLTracer: Accurate Poisoning Attack Provenance in Federated Learning
Xinyu Zhang, Qingyu Liu, Zhongjie Ba, Yuan Hong, Tianhang Zheng, Feng Lin, Li Lu and Kui Ren
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Accepted, 2024. [Impact Factor: 7.178, Code]


PrivacyAsst: Safeguarding User Privacy in Tool-Using Large Language Model Agents
Xinyu Zhang, Huiyu Xu, Zhongjie Ba, Zhibo Wang, Yuan Hong, Jian Liu, Zhan Qin and Kui Ren
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Accepted, 2024. [Impact Factor: 7.329, Code]

Crypto ePrint            

Encode and Permute that Database! Single-Server Private Information Retrieval with Constant Online Time, Communication, and Client-Side Storage
Shuaishuai Li*, Weiran Liu*, Liqiang Peng, Cong Zhang, Xinwei Gao, Aiping Liang, Lei Zhang, Dongdai Lin and Yuan Hong
Cryptology ePrint Archive. [* Equal Contribution, PDF, Code]


UniAP: Protecting Speech Privacy with Non-targeted Universal Adversarial Perturbations
Peng Cheng, Yuexin Wu, Yuan Hong, Zhongjie Ba, Feng Lin, Li Lu and Kui Ren
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol 21(1), pages 31-46, 2024. [Impact Factor: 7.329, Demo]



Interpretation Attacks on Interpretable Models with Electronic Health Records
Fereshteh Razmi, Jian Lou, Yuan Hong and Li Xiong
In Proceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD), Turin, Italy, September 18-22, 2023. [Acceptance Rate: 199/830=24%, Code]


OpBoost: A Vertical Federated Tree Boosting Framework Based on Order-Preserving Desensitization
Xiaochen Li, Yuke Hu, Weiran Liu, Hanwen Feng, Li Peng, Yuan Hong, Kui Ren and Zhan Qin
In Proceedings of the 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Vancouver, CA, August 28-September 1, 2023. [Acceptance Rate: 266/1074=24.8%, PDF, Code]


Infrastructure-enabled GPS Spoofing Detection and Correction
Feilong Wang, Yuan Hong, and Xuegang (Jeff) Ban
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), Vol 24(12), pp. 13878-13892, 2023. [Impact Factor: 9.551]


Stealthy 3D Poisoning Attack on Video Recognition Models
Shangyu Xie, Yan Yan and Yuan Hong
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol. 20(2), pp. 1730-1743, 2023. [Impact Factor: 7.329]


A Generalized Framework for Preserving Both Privacy and Utility in Data Outsourcing
Shangyu Xie, Meisam Mohammady, Han Wang, Lingyu Wang, Jaideep Vaidya and Yuan Hong
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol. 35(1), pp. 1-15, 2023. [Impact Factor: 6.977]



L-SRR: Local Differential Privacy for Location-Based Services with Staircase Randomized Response
Han Wang, Hanbin Hong, Li Xiong, Zhan Qin and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Los Angeles, CA, November 7-11, 2022. [Acceptance Rate: 218/972=22.4%, Direct Accept: 76/972=7.81%, PDF, Code]


Poster: Cryptographic Inferences for Video Deep Neural Networks
Bingyu Liu, Rujia Wang, Zhongjie Ba, Shanglin Zhou, Caiwen Ding and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Los Angeles, CA, November 7-11, 2022. [Poster, PDF]


Universal 3-Dimensional Perturbations for Blackbox Attacks on Video Recognition Systems
Shangyu Xie, Han Wang, Yu Kong and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P/Oakland), San Francisco, California, USA, May 22-26, 2022. [Acceptance Rate: 147/1012=14.5%, PDF, Code]


UniCR: Universally Approximated Certified Robustness via Randomized Smoothing
Hanbin Hong, Binghui Wang and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Tel Aviv, October 24-28, 2022. [Acceptance Rate: 1650/5803=28%, PDF, Code]


A Model-Agnostic Approach to Differentially Private Topic Mining
Han Wang*, Jayashree Sharma*, Shuya Feng, Kai Shu and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 28th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), Washington D.C., August 14-18, 2022. [* Equal Contribution, Acceptance Rate: 254/1695=14.99%, PDF, Code]


Differentially Private Instance Encoding against Privacy Attacks
Shangyu Xie and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) Student Research Workshop (SRW), Seattle, Washington, July 10-15, 2022.


A Generalized Framework for Preserving Both Privacy and Utility in Data Outsourcing
Shangyu Xie, Meisam Mohammady, Han Wang, Lingyu Wang, Jaideep Vaidya and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), (Virtual) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 9-12, 2022. [Poster]



Reconstruction Attack on Instance Encoding for Language Understanding
Shangyu Xie and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Hybrid, November 7-11, 2021. [PDF]


Privacy Preserving Divisible Double Auction with A Hybridized TEE-Blockchain System
Bingyu Liu, Yuanzhou Yang, Rujia Wang and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Virtual, 2021. [Poster]


Privacy-Preserving Cloud-based DNN Inference
Shangyu Xie, Bingyu Liu and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toronto, Canada, 2021.  


Dynamic Pricing for Electric Vehicle Extreme Fast Charging
Cheng Fang, Haibing Lu, Yuan Hong, Shan Liu and Aichih (Jasmine) Chang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS), Vol. 22(1), pp. 531-541, 2021. [Impact Factor: 9.551]


VTDP: Privately Sanitizing Fine-grained Vehicle Trajectory Data with Boosted Utility
Bingyu Liu, Shangyu Xie, Han Wang, Yuan Hong, Xuegang Ban and Meisam Mohammady
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol. 18(6), pp. 2643-2657, 2021. [Impact Factor: 7.329]


Privacy Preserving Divisible Double Auction with A Hybridized TEE-Blockchain System
Bingyu Liu, Yuanzhou Yang, Rujia Wang and Yuan Hong
Cybersecurity, 2021. [Impact Factor: 5.41]


A Multi-view Approach to Preserve Both Privacy and Utility in Network Trace Anonymization
Meisam Mohammady, Momen Oqaily, Lingyu Wang, Yuan Hong, Habib Louafi, Makan Pourzandi and Mourad Debbabi
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), Vol. 24(3), pp. 1-36, 2021.



R2DP: A Universal and Automated Approach to Optimizing the Randomization Mechanisms of Differential Privacy for Utility Metrics with No Known Optimal Distributions
Meisam Mohammady, Shangyu Xie, Yuan Hong, Mengyuan Zhang, Lingyu Wang, Makan Pourzandi and Mourad Debbabi
In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Orlando, FL, November 9-13, 2020. [Acceptance Rate: 121/715=16.9%, PDF]


LogBug: Generating Adversarial System Logs in Real Time
Jingyu Sun, Bingyu Liu and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Galway, Ireland, October 19-23, 2020. [Acceptance Rate: 25.9%]


VideoDP: A Flexible Platform for Video Analytics with Differential Privacy
Han Wang, Shangyu Xie and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 20th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS), Montreal, Canada, July 14-18, 2020. [Acceptance Rate: 78/338=23%, PDF]


Privacy Preserving Distributed Energy Trading
Shangyu Xie, Han Wang, Yuan Hong and My Thai
In Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Singapore, July 8-10, 2020. [Acceptance Rate: 105/584=18%, PDF]


Privacy-Aware Double Auction for Divisible Resources without a Mediator
Bingyu Liu, Shangyu Xie and Yuan Hong
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Auckland, New Zealand, May 9-13, 2020.


Publishing Video Data with Indistinguishable Objects
Han Wang, Yuan Hong, Yu Kong and Jaideep Vaidya
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Copenhagen, Denmark, March 30-April 2, 2020, pp. 323-334. [Acceptance Rate: 31/151=20.5%, PDF]


Privacy Attributes-aware Message Passing Neural Network for Visual Privacy Attributes Classification
Hanbin Hong, Wentao Bao, Yuan Hong and Yu Kong
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Milan, Italy, January 14-18, 2021. 


Algorithms and Applications to Weighted Rank-One Binary Matrix Factorization
Haibing Lu, Xi Chen, Junmin Shi, Jaideep Vaidya, Vijay Atluri, Yuan Hong and Wei Huang
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), Vol. 11(2), Article No. 7, 2020.


PAIRING: Privately Balancing Multiparty Real-time Supply and Demand on the Power Grid
Shangyu Xie, Yuan Hong and Peng-Jun Wan
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Vol. 15, pages 1114-1127, 2020. [Impact Factor: 7.178].


Releasing Correlated Trajectories: Towards High Utility and Optimal Differential Privacy
Lu Ou, Zheng Qin, Shaolin Liao, Yuan Hong and Xiaohua Jia
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), Vol. 17(5), pages 1109-1123, 2020. [DOI, Impact Factor: 7.329]

Oper. Res.               

A Distance Matrix Based Algorithm for Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem
Weizhen Rao, Shengbin Wang and Yuan Hong
Operational Research, 2020, Vol 20(3), pages 1505-1542, 2020. [DOI, Accepted in 2018]


Security, Privacy and Trust for Responsible Innovations and Governance
Vijay Atluri, Yuan Hong and Soon Ae Chun
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Digital Government Research (DGO), Virtual, June 15-19, 2020.



Imbalance-aware Scheduler for Fast and Secure Ring ORAM Data Retrieval
Yuezhi Che, Yuan Hong and Rujia Wang
In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov. 17-20, 2019, pp. 604-612. [Acceptance Rate: 23.8%]


A Privacy Preserving Multiagent System for Load Balancing in the Smart Grid
Shangyu Xie, Yuan Hong and Peng-Jun Wan
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Montreal, Canada, May 13-17, 2019. 


LiveForen: Ensuring Live Forensic Integrity in the Cloud
Anyi Liu, Huirong Fu, Yuan Hong, Jigang Liu and Yingjiu Li
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), Vol. 14(10), pp. 2749-2764, 2019. [Impact Factor: 7.178]


Preserving Both Privacy and Utility in Network Trace Anonymization
Meisam Mohammady, Lingyu Wang, Yuan Hong, Habib Louafi, Makan Pourzandi and Mourad Debbabi
In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Toronto, Canada, Oct 15-19, 2018, pages 459-474. [Acceptance Rate: 134/809=16.6%, PDF]